8 Jul 2011

An expensive photo

I had a Positron Emission Tomographical photo taken of myself and it cost R 18 725, that includes the scan and a cd with a copy of the images.

Whilst the nuclear medicine technician inserted the radioactive fluorine18 drip into my arm I told him: " I always believed I was an extraterrestrial, but now I know I'm not, and I'm so disappointed !" and we had a good laugh together.

In the warm and comfortable waiting room I met Kyle a 12 year old boy who told me he thinks that all the UFO sightings are fake, I told him that I agreed, many or most are fake, but that some are real and then his mom agreed with me, he gaped.

I also met a 72 year old gentlemen, who insisted I watch The Bucket List and that I should make a bucket list, he was there for a heart scan, and he had given up smoking
after a 55 year habit, only a month before, I could tell why ..the man was panting.

The other lady in the room didn't warm up to the rest of us, she was a bit tense and reserved, but did blurt out a compliment that made me feel very good, when she heard my daughter was 24 and I was 44, she said:" Wow, I thought you were about 30 something".
(and there I was sitting in my tracksuit, unwashed hair, not wearing any deodorant, with a swollen wound, bruised arm and inner tenseness that freezes the bones)

The pet scan itself is nothing major, I wore my own clothing not containing any metals and a nice thick blanket was placed over me to keep me warm, because of the op under my arm, I asked the radiologist to strap my arms to the side of the long slim sliding bed, which she did. The success to a good scan is to lie very still.

A minute or so later the bed slid slowly through the narrow tunnel, I emerged from the other side of the tunnel and was then scanned for 20 minutes, pulled into the tunnel from the feet down.

Not a big deal at all, however whilst my head and chest was in the tunnel I had the irresistible urge to laugh, I was remembering a story a friend told me that he heard from a friend who works in airport security, apparently airport scanners reveal wispy black clouds of gas emanating from passengers disembarking from aircraft after long flights, very funny when you're being scanned and wondering what the photo will reveal.

This is going to be quite an adventure, forum friends told me this joke to cheer me up !

A Cardiologist died and was given an elaborate funeral.

A huge heart covered in flowers stood behind the casket during the service. Following the eulogy, the heart opened and the casket rolled inside. The heart then closed, sealing the doctor in the beautiful heart forever.

At that point, one of the mourners burst into laughter. When all eyes stared at him, he said, "I'm sorry, I was just thinking of my own funeral; I'm a gynaecologist."

And that's when the proctologist fainted.

20 Jun 2011

This last year

I have not blogged much recently, because I was distracted getting divorced after a 20 year marriage.

This last week I went to the doctor with a lump under my left arm, after a needle biopsy, pigmented cells were found (melanoma/skin cancer), I suppose living under the beautifully harsh African sun is not good for Europeans. I've had an op this week, my lymph nodes, some glands and some nerves were removed for further biopsy. I am wearing a medical drain/drip from my wound for the last week - it's been uncomfortable, but I've coped well with the help of my friends and family.

I have not stopped reading non-stop though, I now read online, on my kindle and I still buy books.

I am writing a biography called Reality Failure and also compiling a bundle of my short stories which will include my Afrikaans work, which I will translate into English myself.

On a completely different note, South African politics has become increasingly depressing and the future of my country is looking dismal indeed. Our current ANC ruled government are mostly a bunch of corrupt money grabbing crooks with little understanding of the intricate workings of economies or education or governance.

The world itself is in turmoil, big changes are taking place, bad news has become the norm, I hope our fragile little civilisation survives these turbulent times well enough to keep progressing towards the space age.

I hope to get back to my blogs soon, but surviving financially, re-organizing my life, and adjusting (and reading lots) is keeping me somewhat busy.

Terran citizen : science fiction reader since 1972

My photo
Cape Town, Stellenbosch, MyBB Forum, ZA, South Africa
Science fiction reader. I read to relax and because I am curious. I like data. I buy books in book stores and I download to my kindle, as well as read on my pc screen, I also write for fun. You won't believe the things authors have me imagining !
