12 Nov 2006


Recently read "The Skinner" by Neal Asher, what a surprise! This is one of the best horror sf books I've
read in many years. Not only is the world setting filled with dog eat dog lifeforms, but this book also
addresses the horror of immortality. an excellent read.

Just finished reading "of Fire and Night" of Kevin J. Anderson and waiting for book 6, quite a space saga,
interesting aliens too.

Will be moving home around new year and am thinking about starting a sf club in Stellenbosch.

1 comment:

Neal Asher said...

Hey, thanks for that!

Terran citizen : science fiction reader since 1972

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Cape Town, Stellenbosch, MyBB Forum, ZA, South Africa
Science fiction reader. I read to relax and because I am curious. I like data. I buy books in book stores and I download to my kindle, as well as read on my pc screen, I also write for fun. You won't believe the things authors have me imagining !
