2 Oct 2004

Natural Beauty

Whilst visiting my mom and dad in the african bush near the Crocodile River opposite the Kruger National Park in Southern Africa, I encountered a profusion of wild life. Giraffes, large
lizards, crocodiles, kudu, impala and rooibok antelope, wild bush pigs, and zebras.

During my stay there were two armed robberies in the nearby vicinity. A gang of seven men armed with Ak47's held up two seperate groups of people who were enjoying an afternoon braai (barbecue).

This is not unusual and fortunately the gang did not shoot anyone, but only robbed them of everything that had value, including food and beverages.

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Terran citizen : science fiction reader since 1972

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Cape Town, Stellenbosch, MyBB Forum, ZA, South Africa
Science fiction reader. I read to relax and because I am curious. I like data. I buy books in book stores and I download to my kindle, as well as read on my pc screen, I also write for fun. You won't believe the things authors have me imagining !
